Good Samaritan Ministries
In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, a man was brutally robbed and left in desperate circumstances. After being ignored by others passing by, the man is found by a Samaritan who stops and shows him compassion. The Samaritan tends to the man's wounds, takes him to a safe place, and personally covers the expenses for his recovery. At the conclusion of the story, Jesus turns to His followers and gives them a clear instruction: “Go and do likewise.”
This parable is a powerful directive here at Good Samaritan Ministries. Our mission is to "go and do likewise" — to find those left in desperate circumstances and not look away from their pain, but instead provide care and invest in their healing and well-being.
To build a community where every person can face life’s challenges with dignity and hope, founded in the eternal, life-giving truths of
The Kingdom of God.
To seek out the lost, bind up the brokenhearted, and companion the wounded through the challenges of life by providing a safe place for community, discovery, and healing.
Local Practice
We provide counseling, classes, and support groups rooted in compassion, community, and the foundational principles of
The Kingdom of God
Global Impact
We partner with the efforts of Good Samaritan Ministries in Rwanda, Africa to heal and train communities, feed the hungry, and care for the orphans and widows.
A Word From Our Founder
"Good Samaritan Ministries is an non-profit counseling ministry dedicated to relational healing. We willingly have agreed to not only pay the first price by stopping to help, but also the second price for the years that may be required to complete the healing. A person who comes to see us for counseling will be in a relationship story until wholeness has come. For some, it may be just once or twice. For others, it might be several years. We are unafraid to help complete the difficult tasks of healing and development.
We consider Good Samaritan Ministries to be faith in action; an organization that is available to God's work. An organization that is flexible -- active and alive. It is our desire to complete our work in a way that is pleasing to God, and for the benefit of mankind. No one is turned away, and a person of any background, ability, function, or dysfunction may come. Those with belief systems and those without are welcome to stop and meet with us and complete the work of entering into the Kingdom of God.
We are not proud of our organization. We are bowed down in a broken humility to be allowed to participate in the creation of a new man in Christ Jesus, our Lord."
Good Samaritan Ministries, Tri-cities WA
Good Samaritan Ministries started in Bettie's home in Beaverton, Oregon in 1979. With compassion and purpose, she gave herself wholly to loving every person that came to her door. Now with over 200 centers, 39 schools, and thousands of people healed and restored, that unconditional love and acceptance has become a global operation. Good Samaritan Ministries is serving communities in over 26 countries worldwide with new centers being planted and developed every year.
Our local center in Richland, Washington was establish in 1998 and continues to grow and flourish. GSM Tri-cities is dedicated to cultivating the same love and acceptance seen in the story of the Good Samaritan and modeled by Bettie Mitchell. Our closest neighboring center is in Walla Walla, Washington, where we often collaborate with our GSM family for events and training intensives. ​​
GSM International Headquarters
Address: 7929 SW Cirrus Drive, Bldg. 23, Beaverton, OR 97008
Phone: (503) 644-2339
Walla Walla Center
Address: 1815 Portland Ave., Suite 2, Walla Walla, WA 98362
Phone: (509) 529-2322
​We are a non-denominational organization and are not affiliated with any one church, but partner with the whole body of Christ to complete the work that Jesus left us to do. ​​We believe science studies what God created, so our counseling services are built on proven scientific methods that are backed and supported by biblical principles. As Good Samaritans, we aim to treat every person with respect, dignity, and compassion, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political affiliations.
The services at GSM will always be available to anyone who needs them.